Xi Space, Ltd. Mission Statement: |
our creative power, stimulate ideas, and improve intellectual productivity. |
innovative services, and engage in their planning, developments, and
operations. |
to disasters prevention, environmental conservation, and mitigation
of global warming. |
Meanings of our corporate initial, Xi, are twofold. It stands for Cross(X) Eye(i) and brings you wonders of art, science, and technology. It also stands for eXtended interface, with which we are inviting you to the 4th dimension of the world called spacetime, making full use of the state-of-the-art technology. | ||||||
Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. | ||||||
Notes A. Einstein |
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